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Top chrome extensions to use for netsuite developers


In this blog, I'll walk you through some handy extensions that will make your NetSuite development super easy and faster. 

1. NetSuite: Search Export by David Smith

I don't remember when was the last time I created a search just by typing code. This extension does this for me and so can do for you. It lets you export any saved search to suitescript code. All you have to do is click "Export to Script" at the top right of the NetSuite window. The code can be exported to both Suitescript 1.0 and 2.x. 

Link: Netsuite Search Export

2. NetSuite: Show Field IDs by David Smith

This extension helps you see internal ids of fields just by hovering on the field labels. If you want to copy the internal id of any field just SHIFT + Click on it and you are done. Seems easy. One of the most convenient features of this is to locate the fields just by their internal id or label. Ctrl+Shift+F and enter id, Ctrl+Shift+L to find by label.

Link: NetSuite: Show Field IDs


3. NetSuite Field Explorer by Michoel Chaikin

This extension instantly loads the record in a separate window. It helps to filter out values based on internal id and values. You must be on a record page to use this extension.

4. NetSuite Scripted Records by Marcel Pestana

This extension lets you know which User event scripts, Client Scripts, or workflow are applied to your record. You need to click the extension icon once you are on your desired record. This also lets you see the deployment and release status of scripts.

Link: NetSuite Scripted Records

5. NetSuite Advanced Field Help by Marcel Pestana

Advance Field help is a great tool to get the value(internal id) selected from select fields. It displays all possible options from loaded select lists. Additionally, you can set a specific internal id to a select field directly by putting value to the input field and pressing "Set".As this is client script-based, this works in edit mode only 

Link: NetSuite Advanced Field Help

6. NetSuite: HTML Script Notes by David Smith

Gone are the days when I had to copy-paste a JSON object to JSONeditor. Now with this extension JSON objects are prettier in Execution logs on the script record page and that makes it easier to read.

Link: NetSuite: HTML Script Notes

7. NetSuite Links by Vatsal Chauhan

Using those two require lines to import a module in the console was a tedious task for me. Luckily, this extension comes as a savior. Just press Ctrl + M and select the module to load. This loads the module for you in the console and provides you variable name.

This also lets you keep track of multiple instances of Netsuite.  Moreover, it lets you search something in suiteanswers right from any Netsuite page, Just press Ctrl + Shift + S and type in the box provided and hit enter, there you go.

Link: NetSuite Links

8*. NetSuite Keyboard Shortcuts by Milcho Dimkov

This extension directly lets you navigate to some of the frequently visited NetSuite pages, be it the sales order list or your locations or scripts page using a combination of keyboard keys. Imagine pressing l o c  to navigate to your locations page, you want that page in the next tab wait.., you can use n l o c to open 
that in the next tab, you can prefix n to any existing shortcut to open in the next tab. 
You can get a list of 
available shortcuts by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + 1 when on a NetSuite page. 

The developer has a very nice video demonstration of this on the webstore page. Here is the link : 

General Tip: Beginners are advised to use them only when they can do any of the mentioned things without using extensions. Perks of this tip will activate,  when they are down someday(or not available due to any reason) so you will not fall down straight to the ground. 

Note: Extensions you add to your browser might sometimes create conflicts with the scripts on the webpage. Make sure to toggle them when you find something like that.  Also, there may be other useful extensions that I haven't used yet. Do mention if you know some useful extensions. 

Thanks a lot for your time! See you in the next one! 

*: added later


  1. Hi Vikas
    Can you please accept my request on LinkedIn. I have something to discuss with you.


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